Take Inventory

Family Worship Challenge: "Take Inventory"

Scripture reading: Romans 1:18-23

To identify idols or potential idols in your life.

Action Steps:

1. Meet around a table, take a minute to read the verses above and pray and ask God to meet and speak with you in this time.
2. Take 10 minutes and have everyone walk around the house grabbing things that are potential idols in your family (or things that represent idols).
3. Put them all on the center of the table in front of everyone. One-by-one, go around the table to discuss each item and why it was chosen.
4. Consider these questions:
a. Are any of these things causing me to be distracted from my relationship with God?
b. Are any of these things causing me to be distracted from my family?
c. Is there anything I need to repent of? (Repent means “to turn away”.)
d. What actions can I put in place to help keep me turned away from these things that have become idols in my life?

Write about your experience!

If you didn't get a chance to hear the message on Sunday, click here


  1. Today I was driving to work and listening to Brother Jeremiah on the radio. He was talking about the Lord’s prayer. When he began to read the prayer, I began to say the prayer to the Lord in the form of worship. It was quite sweet.

    Later today, a 37 year old female came into my office, and when I asked her about drinking and smoking, she told me that she drank 6 to 20 beers on Saturday and Sunday and would smoke several cigarettes as well. Just as she was saying that, I knew God was saying, “tell her”. I did not hear an audible voice, but more of a knowing in my spirit that God was talking to me. Now I had seen several patients today, but I never heard God say for me to say anything to them . So I asked her if I could tell her where I got my peace from. She said yes. I told her of the time when I had surgery in Belgium, and how God gave me Peace that was beyond belief or understanding . I then told her that Jesus was our peace, and he wanted us to have a relationship with Him and tell him about our cares and frustrations. I told her that He would give us a peace that would pass understanding. I then asked her the next time that she was nervous to try talking to God, and she said she would. This would have never have happened if I had not been worshiping God this morning, and if I was not open to hear God. God’s Word says that my sheep hear my voice.
    God never stops talking. We just have to find time to listen and to hear. - Steve Miller

  2. I also heard a sermon this week on The Lord's Prayer. I'm not sure if it was the same by David Jeremiah because I didn't hear it from the beginning, but he was talking about the word "hallowed" and how that is a word that is not used anymore. He said that the word means such an intense reverence and praise that we just don't give that type of honor to God anymore. I was thinking, though, that we probably do put other stuff and people in a place where the word hallowed would be an appropriate description. My children just got back into town last night and I'm looking forward to doing the "take inventory" exercise tonight. I've already been working on my list of idols and I'm anxious to see how my 9 and 7 year old will interpret what are idols in their lives. I hope and pray that we'll be able to impress on them the importance of putting things in their proper place and that we'll also strive to keep God in His hallowed place of honor.
