Come hear Reggie!

You guys have got to come to the conference this weekend to hear one of my favorite authors, Reggie McNeal. He will challenge you like crazy (and make you laugh hysterically in the process). Tickets are only $15 and are available online or at the door. See you then! --Russ
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1 comment:

  1. Well this past Saturday we heard about how God wanted us to be a blessing. It is midnight and I have a 90 minute drive ahead of me tonight but this is too important. Again today I was surprised when I was almost through seeing patients when this 48 year old female walked into my office to see me. I asked why she was there and she looked at me and said the mental confusion was too much. So as a cardiologist I asked somewhat timidly but sensing God was very much involved. She said a twenty year marriage was in trouble. I asked if it were because of an affair and she said no. She said that she and her husband had grown apart and she was thinking of leaving him. She said she had raised her kids without help from her husband. She said he had not worked very much in the last twenty years. I then sat back and watched God use my mouth in a way that was somewhat surreal. I said "so are you thinking of ending your marriage?" She said yes. I then asked if she were a Christian. She said yes. I then said what I mean is do you love Jesus and know Him personally? She cried and said yes. I then said are you ready to go the next 40 years or more without sex? She said no. I then reminded her of Corinthians which says that if you leave your husband or your wife and they are still alive then they must remain single and celibate. I then asked her if she was attending church and she said no because her father and another woman were having an affair. I then paused for a second and said "Do you want to know what God wants foryour life?" She said yes. Then I said "Do you know that at times Paul would say I am telling you this personally but at other times he would say the Lord is saying this." I said "the Lord is tellingyou this. God said I want you to forgive your husband and ask me (God) to bless your marriage and I will. Then I want you to forgive your father and the woman who is involved with your father and begin praying for them. Tell them that you want your heavenly Father to forgive you for the things you have done."

    She began crying and said that she had asked God this morning for His will in her life. Then in my office she said she knew what she would do concerning her marriage. This morning she had gotten a message on her computer that she was going to receive a blessing and she never expected it to come from her doctor but it did cause God will use those who are willing. We closed in prayer as I prayed a blessing over her. God is so good. -- Steve Miller
