Some thoughts on fasting

Noa was just drinking some chocolate milk in her sippy cup and I almost snatched it from her hand and downed it. (it is technically liquid, but I'm thinking it's off limits.)

This is usually the part of the day where I have to focus and get over a little "hump." For those of you doing the three day fast, my experience has been that the first day and a half will have a few periods of time (maybe an hour long or so) that you really have to focus in. Because you will want to eat anything in sight. The great thing is that towards the end of the 2nd day and on the 3rd day, you get much more "in the zone." Your body just kind of goes on cruise control and your appetite is not screaming at you. That's when I notice a little bit of a heightened awareness of God's voice.

A few words that have encouraged me today are from our Bible Reading Plan:
Psalm 84 ...
Blessed are those who dwell in your house, they are ever praising you.
Blessed are those whose strength is in you.

Find your strength in the Lord today. Hunger for him.
See you at the Good Friday Service tomorrow night at 7pm.

For those who haven't already done so, make sure you click on the link to the right and sign up for the 30 hours of prayer. Slots are still open and we want them filled!
-Pastor Russ

1 comment:

  1. I needed to hear that: "great thing is that towards the end of the 2nd day and on the 3rd day, you get much more "in the zone." Your body just kind of goes on cruise control and your appetite is not screaming at you. That's when I notice a little bit of a heightened awareness of God's voice."
    For me, yesterday was fine, today I'm fighting to not say, "a day and a half is good enough." Yet, I want to feel more of His presence, to know what HE would have me know in these moments, not what I think I should be learning or even praying for.
    Lord, we ask that you show up in a mighty way through this fasting time. That you change hearts on a very personal level, that you bring peace where it hasn't been in years, that we come to KNOW something new about your heart, that we would see your hand moving powerfully in this church and this city. Thank you for your faithfulness.
    In Jesus' name, Amen.
