Update on Isaiah

Isaiah is still in the ER. He went in at about 5pm because he was beginning to vomit stomach fluid. His stomach is swollen and he has not been able to go to the bathroom in five days. The doctors believe that there is an obstruction in his intestines. They were just able to get an IV in (took about 2 hours) which is a HUGE answer to prayer. They are going to do x-rays with special dye to try to identify the blockage.

Here is how you can pray:
1-- Pray that the doctors are able to identify the problem quickly.
2-- Pray that they will be able to eliminate the product with a simple procedure.
3-- Pray for strength for Isaiah. (he has been through a lot and he is still very young)
4-- Pray for strength for Gregg and Kelley
5-- Pray for God to minister his peace to all three of them as only He can.

Tomorrow is our fasting day as a church. Please direct some of your prayer time tomorrow to Isaiah. We will have a corporate prayer time for Isaiah in the Prayer Room at the church from Noon-1PM tomorrow.

Many of you have asked what you can do to help. I can tell you confidently that Gregg and Kelley's #1 request is that you pray for Isaiah. You can post prayers, scriptures, and notes of encouragement in the comment section below. We will print them and take it to them. We can also use the scriptures during corporate prayer tomorrow.

Stand with them in prayer, church!
-Pastor Russ


  1. I'm praying now for you both. What a powerful meaning that your son's name has "The Lord helps me." I'm thankful that now in this moment and from the moment he began to grow in your womb that the Lord has been with Isaiah. He formed him, he knows him. Isaiah 40:31 "but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." amen amen amen! Praying for you both now. I'm praying and thanking the Lord that he calms the raging storm in your hospital room. Lord, we thank you for Isaiah and thank you for your peace now. Calm their storm, be their strength and lead the doctors now to fix this in Jesus name...
    Much love to you both!
    Ivana and Ryan Watkins

  2. I'm praying now for you both. What a powerful meaning that your son's name has "The Lord helps me." I'm thankful that now in this moment and from the moment he began to grow in your womb that the Lord has been with Isaiah. He formed him, he knows him. Isaiah 40:31 "but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." amen amen amen! Praying for you both now. I'm praying and thanking the Lord that he calms the raging storm in your hospital room. Lord, we thank you for Isaiah and thank you for your peace now. Calm their storm, be their strength and lead the doctors now to fix this in Jesus name...
    Much love to you both!
    Ivana and Ryan Watkins

  3. Gregg and Kelley,

    I am praying for the doctors to help Isaiah and for him to be healed and back home where he belongs soon!
    I am also praying that God gives you his peace during this difficult time.
    I also pray that all your practical needs will be met so you can focus all of your energy and resources on your precious baby boy!

    The Watts

  4. Kelley,

    We met in the babies room this past Sunday. Please know that we are praying for Isaiah. We pray that God would give you strength through this and that He would be glorified greatly. Psalm 103:11 says "For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love for those who fear Him." In Psalm 103:17 says "The steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him and His righteousness to children's children."

    Trust in His steadfast love today! We are praying!!

    The Hardwicks, Sean and Joli

  5. I pray and claim Isaiah's healing already. That he will be well before Easter Sunday. Signifying a new life and beginning for him and his family. Believe that the Lord has already answered our prayers.
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