Fasting Day - Prayer/Update on Isaiah

Today is our church fasting day.
For those of you who can ...
Pray room will be open from 12-1pm to pray for Isaiah.

I just visited with Gregg and Kelley. Despite having little sleep, they are still focused, strong and full of faith. It has been difficult for them to hear various things from the doctors, so please pray that they continue to not be anxious and to that they sense God's power and strength today.

Isaiah was resting when I came. He was able to have a bowl movement on his own last night -- which was a huge prayer answered. The doctors are letting him strengthen today and then will do a biopsy tomorrow on the area in his intestines where there is blockage. The procedure is very simple and painless. Please pray that whatever in his intestines is wrong is identifiable and that God would heal his body so that there is no lasting impact on him.

We will keep you updated. Thanks for your prayers!

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