Questions about Fasting?

After preaching on fasting yesterday, I'm curious what questions you have regarding the discipline. Post them in the comment section below (they can be anonymous if you like) and I will try to address them in future sermons or on the blog.

I also found a pretty thorough Bible Study on fasting here.

I'm looking forward to what we all learn in the coming weeks as we seek the Lord through fasting!
- Pastor Russ


  1. I just had some suggestions for those with dietary restrictions or reasons why fasting food may not be in their best health interest. I was really pondering this since the fast will take me exactly to my due date. Some possible suggestions I thought of were... fast food, eating out, candy... etc. Just a thought... gives some ways to make a conscience sacrifice of comfort and convenience while not putting health in jeopardy!

  2. thanks for the Bible study!
