Teach us to number our days: reflections on my birthday

I turned 30 a few hours ago. It hasn’t been so bad thus far. My four month old decided she would beat my 19 month old to the punch and wake up an extra hour early so that we could spend the pre-dawn hour celebrating my birthday – just the two of us.

I’ve been meditating on Psalm 90:12 “So, teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” I’m not thinking about this in a depressing mid-life kind of way, but in a grateful, excited, sober-minded kind of way. A few weeks ago, our church prayed for a pastor in Texas named Matt Chandler. He’s 35 and pastors a large church in Dallas. On Thanksgiving he had a seizure, followed by the doctors report of a brain tumor, followed a few days later by surgery, and just this week he found out that it was malignant and that they were not able to remove it all. I often listen to Matt’s sermons and am very encouraged by his ministry. He has three children, a wife, and a church he’s responsible for.

I know he is a man of faith and has an incredible community of believers surrounding him in prayer. But I can’t help but think of how differently he must look at his life now. Through all the hope of healing, he has to view his life from a completely different perspective. Seeing the decades go by and thinking about all we anticipate: seeing our kids grow up, giving our daughters away in marriage, paying off our house, retiring with our wife. We are wired to think of those as absolute certainties.

Even as I hurt and pray for Matt, I am grateful for what it has shown me in these weeks. My prayer to the Lord is that I would be able to see my life through the sober reality that I am not promised tomorrow, and that that perspective would help me cherish today. It would help me be wise in a world that is consumed with things that don’t matter. It would help me embrace all the Lord has blessed and entrusted to me:

- a wife that is my partner in every sense of the word (and beautiful)

- a precious church full of people who are excited to see God’s kingdom come

- a daughter who makes me laugh with every new word she learns

- and another daughter …

who woke me from some very good sleep so that she could be the first one to wish me a happy birthday.

I am blessed today.



  1. Russ, Thanks for sharing. I totally agree and have experianced the same thoughts with Nancy passing.
    Just wanted to wish you a wonderful day... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  2. Russ, You are blessed and so are we for having you as our pastor. Happy birthday! You crazy guy - I wish we had know this last night when we had the board meeting. It would have been a good excuse (like I wait on one - Ha!) for chocolate:) Hope you have a fantastic day - maybe even a family nap - you know since you got up so early- not because of you age I mean.

  3. I loved this post. It is so easy to assume that we'll live into old age happily with no problems. Then something happens - like with Nancy or Matt - and we realize that each moment is so precious. I am so glad you were able to spend the early hours of your birthday with your daughter. Some of my favorite home videos are of Charles & Rebecca around 3am when she didn't need food, changing or anything except quality time with daddy! :)

  4. Russ, on a lighter note, welcome to the "Over 30 Club"! It's not so bad over here. Just enjoy the moment. It is said that children grow so fast, that is so very, very true. Seems like literally just yesterday I was coaching my son in "midget league" football. Now he is 27 and has a 6 year old of his son of his own! You will be so totally amazed to watch how quickly your precious little darlings grow into beautiful grown women. Cherish each and every moment that the LORD blesses you with. Family is so dear and it is no wonder or chance that our Daddy, Abba Father, illustrates His infinite love for us in examples of family in the Word, with Him, our heavenly Father, and we, His children. Reflecting that we are promised only this day, this very day, and nothing more, is revelation. Ask that He make every moment last a little bit longer, every sensation a little bit stronger. You are so very blessed with your wonderful family, as are we, to call you our Pastor. Happy Birthday my friend and may you enjoy your new journey into the "Over 30 Club". The beginning of the best days of your life. Before you know what has happened, you'll open up your mailbox one day to find your invitation to join AARP! Just live each day like it's your only one, to God be the Glory.

    With Warmest Thoughts,

    Mark and Rebecca Henderson

  5. Every moment counts...the good and the bad; and God through His infinite mercy and kindness will allow each one to add to the richness of our lives in Him all the while bringing Him the glory he so profoundly deserves. 30...it really is just another number on another day; that can be considered depressing or thrilling according to your perspective on who God is and what He has in store for you...Matt Chandler's situation hopefully inspires each of us to LIVE everyday in the love and excitement of our relationship with Christ. Thank you Russ for all you are in Jesus and count each moment as precious. We all love you, Jackie, Noa, and Ruthie very much.

