Tithing and Beyond

Hope that everyone was challenged by the message today on seeking the Lord first through tithing. (we got it on CD and DVD if you missed it).

I'm sitting here going over and over in my head what I said. As I was leaving church, someone stopped my to ask about their specific situation. They were trying to get out of debt and felt that they were doing the right thing ... but didn't know if now they should give more. I encouraged them that they are "under grace." Just wanted to pass that on to you as well. We are not to give under obligation or compulsion ... God loves a cheerful giver. The reason that we are cheerful is that the Lord has been the one revealing to us what we should give. We are all at a different place in life. And certainly -- for this person who asked -- paying down debt is a very wise thing and could very well be EXACTLY what the Lord would have them do.

Remember that the Lord is dealing with our hearts. We are always growing; always changing. The most important thing is that we yeild to the process.

I really want to hear your thoughts, comments, stories, etc!

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