Don't Be Anxious

Hope that you enjoyed today's message on not being anxious. It's certainly much easier said than done.
I would love to use this blog as a little hub for ideas and stories. If you have a story to share about God's provision ... something little or big that happened to you that really reminded you of His goodness, please use the comments tab below to post it. It would be great to see what we come up with this week! - Russ


  1. I was in the new member classes and we prayed several times for my business success. We had a huge bid out and were awaiting an answer and I know that only God could provide the answer that we received which was we got the contract. If we work hard the next signing will be for 3 years not just one.

  2. The "Don't be Anxious" message has really hit home with me. Finding out that I was pregnant and then losing my job has been a great deal to handle so far this year. God's blessings are in this. He is making big changes in the life of my family. Even though the financial struggles are significant, we will not go hungry or be homeless. For that I am extremely grateful! I am also enjoying more time with my two girls since I am home. Also, being pregnant and not feeling well, being home has been a blessing in that regard too. I was able to help out with Mother's morning out this past Tuesday, and I am looking forward to more opportunities to serve. God will help us work out the financial struggles. I have faith and I will do my best not worry about any of it.
    God Bless, Elizabeth Christopher

  3. What an awsome God we serve. Last Saturday Roger and I spent some money that we had not budgeted which caused considerable anxiety for us. Together we decided on a way to offset this and moved forward, unfortunately still feeling anxious and a little depressed. On Sunday I really did not feel like attending church, I just wanted to stay home and worry. When we heard the message that God brought to us thru Pastor Russ we were astounded, blessed that God would send a message just for us. On Monday, President's Day, a holiday when everyone is closed, imagine our surprise and excitement when Roger recieved a phone call from a company wanting to schedule a job interview. Is our God just incredible?!? On Tuesday, I shared our experience with the ladies bible study group only to have two of my sisters in Christ laugh and tell me that they considered it a blessing that God had put that message on Pastor's heart just for them. Does this not remind us of God's "enoughness" when He knows each of our hearts and burdens and can speak to us collectively yet so personally.
    God Bless, Vicki Eslick

  4. Just this past Friday my bosses sat down with me and told me that we were going to have to cut back. We are so slow right now and numbers don't lie. Therefore, they cut me to part-time and decreased my pay significantly. I had a million thoughts running through my head. I arrived to our new home later that day and my wonderful husband reminded me just as Russ did in the message on Sunday...that we are NOT in control & the Lord is who we rely on! The message was encouraging and I know the Lord is going to use this for His glory. We are going to continue to keep our eyes set on HIM and pray for his continual prevision.

  5. In the middle of Russ' sermon on Sunday I was inspired to begin (another) blog using a photograph with a scripture that I felt the Lord wanted me to share. That is the great thing about blogs - once you put it out there, it has the potential to travel to the four corners of the earth, and we know that God's Word does not return void. Already I've had visits from people in the Ukraine, Russian Federation, Poland, China, Malaysia, South Africa (my family) and the US. Needless to say, the first entry was based on the "don't be anxious" message. Here's the blog address if anyone is interested.
    Thanks Russ!
