Prayer for your Pastor and his family

Church family -

Thanks for all those were at First Wednesday last night. It was a sweet time. When I was up there teaching and looking into your eyes, I couldn't help but think of what an amazing group of people the Lord has called together. It is humbling. (and that goes for all those who couldn't be there, too!)

Jackie was not there last night because both of our girls are sick. She is in the final weeks of pregnancy, and we are both very tired. They have been on and off sick for the last two months. As I'm writing this, I'm preparing for the sermon on Sunday to introduce our series on Nehemiah. I feel that what we will learn from these passages is far beyond my ability to teach and is for a mission far beyond anything we have yet considered.

Will you please pray for my family and me? Please pray for our health, strength, and protection. We are excited about the new baby and all the other things that will be birthed in 2011!

I really love being your pastor.
- Russ


  1. I pray for your family everyday. I will add to my prayers for all of the cooties to go away! :) Being part of a pastor's family is one of the most difficult, tiring yet sweet and rewarding places to be! To think that God has entrusted you to shepherd His people is both humbling and overwhelming at the same time. May God continue to bless you, give you strength and show Himself everyday as you serve Him!! Irene

  2. We are praying for you and the family and are so blessed to have you leading our Church body! The Lord is using you in mighty ways! Thank you for being obedient to His call! Get some extra rest now and add a little more margin in your life before the baby comes.

  3. Even though we are not down with you guys at the moment, we truly do miss our home church. Almost every day I go onto the JICC blog to see what might be going on. You and Jackie are a true blessing to this church. Do take some rest, rest in The Lord, He will keep you. Hope the girls get better very soon and tell Jackie I pray for her always. Cannot wait for the good news. We love you Pastor Russ, He will strengthen and guide you in all you do. Bless you. The Sparrow

  4. We are blessed to have you as our pastor.
