
Church family,

I've been meaning to let you know that Kate Robertson is no longer working on our staff.


I know ... you are thinking, "Is Russ crazy? ... Kate is the sweetest person ever ... how could she NOT work at the church ... what are we going to do without her?"


Kate and Stu are still very much at the church and serving to the fullest (and in the process of adopting a child from Thailand!). Kate's position was temporary from the beginning, and throughout her time here, we were praying about where God might lead her next. During her tenure on staff, she found and developed a great skill in video editing. So at the beginning of this year, she transitioned to working full time with Robert and Wendi Smith. The Smith's go to the church and own their own video company. Kate is now able to expand her skills in the area of video editing working alongside two great people. (Robert has told me that she has already given them some of the same great organizational helps that she gave to this office.)

All that to say ... everyone is happy and this is a transition we have been working on for months. You can help Kate out by directing all your "staff related" questions to Karen Robertson at the info desk. And make sure you to take an opportunity to thank Kate for all her hard work. (you can even post some comments to her below.)

--Pastor Russ


  1. We're so excited for you Kate and KNOW that you'll be great in this new area-we've enjoyed hearing your exciting video stories already!!! The Lord uses you in so many ways that are very inspirational and challenging to us all. Thanks for being a reflection of His love in the things you do. I can't wait to meet the blessed child/children that get you and Stew for parents.

    Leslie-and I know Scott would feel the same:).

  2. We love you Kate!! We are very excited for you, and excited to see how God is going to use your video editing skills in the future. Thank you for the friend you are to me, and thank you for the work that you did and do at JICC:)

    -Love your couponing comrade and her hubby :)
