Nancy Gochnauer

Dear church family,

It is with sadness and with joy that I let you know that our dear sister Nancy went to be with the Lord last night. She was at peace and was surrounded by her family.

We can rejoice that she is fully in the Lord's presence and free from pain. And we can also grieve and mourn the loss of someone so precious to us knowing that the Lord blesses times of mourning (Matthew 5:4).

The visitation and the memorial service have not been planned yet. We will update you as soon as that is available. The family is at home resting and has everything they need right now. If you would like to write a message of encouragement for them, you may do it below.

As we have been praying, let us continue to lift up the Gochnauer family and ask that the fullness of God's presence be with them during this difficult time.

-- Pastor Russ


  1. Nancy is (not was) a very special person and friend. I will miss her dearly. God bless you Tim and all the family.

  2. Nancy and her family are such a godly example of what it means to stand firm in their faith in the Lord and not waver. I am privledged to call them my friends. I have been praying for you and will continue to as you mourn the loss of such a godly wife and mother. I love you all. Laura Farmer

  3. We all have been blessed by Nancy in one way or another, let us remember her in the special way touched our lives, either by her singing, her courage or just by the love she projected. To the entire family we pray for God's peace and guidance during this time.

  4. Tim and Family.

    We love you and mourn with you the loss of Nancy. We thank each of you for all that you mean to our family as we share in your sadness. It is with a hopeful heart that we celebrate the Joy that she is now experiencing in the presence of her Savior whom she so faithfully served.

    "The LORD bless you
    and keep you;

    the LORD make his face shine upon you
    and be gracious to you;

    the LORD turn his face toward you
    and give you peace."

    Milton, Beth, and family

  5. Olaf and Julia EbertDecember 5, 2009 at 12:44 PM

    The Gochnauers have always been an example of true strength and love. May you now receive both as you mourn the loss of Nancy. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

  6. At this difficult time we want to uplift the whole Gochnauer family. Nancy was such a blessing to so many. We will all miss her, but know that she is with her maker for all time.
    Peter and Christine Bowman.

  7. Our hearts are grief stricken for Tim, the kids and extended family! But our joy is in the Lord and Nancy is such a role model for how we as Christians need to be "faithful" and always trusting in the Lord! The Gochnauer family has always shown such strength and strong faith and I know that will continue in them. Be blessed in knowing she is with her Heavenly Father rejoicing and singing as she loved to do!! And we will all be with her one day;)
    God Bless you all, Yvonne Powers & family

  8. Dear Tim and Family:

    We share in your loss. Your beloved Nancy and wonderful mother will be deeply missed. We pray for the Lord to draw you extremely close and comfort you during this time of mourning.

    We are blessed that we will know Nancy and you for eternity, and are thankful for your example of faith.

    We love you,

    Don and Linda

  9. Tim and family,

    I am thankful for Nancy's (and all of the Gochnauers')witness in my life. I can hear the Father say, "Well done thou good and faithful servant!" May He surround you with the blessing of His perfect love and comfort during this time.

    Nancy Southwick

  10. Tim and Family,

    We share in your loss and want you to know how much you all mean to us. Nancy is a very special person, her faithfulness was such a testimony to all of us. We will miss her but take comfort in knowing that she is in the presence of the Lord.
    Psalm 16:11 says In your presence is fullness of joy. Farewell my friend til we see you again.

    Brad and Margaret Bolchoz

  11. Any words I could say about Nancy would not do justice to the life she lived while our Father graced us with her time here on this planet.
    Tim and kids, you guys know more than any of us what a saint your wife and mother was, it's obvious in the way you live your lives. With all the love I can try to put into words I grieve with you, but also challenge you to continue the tremendous heritage that your mother started.
    Some of my greatest moments of worship ever experienced were shared on the the Praise Team with your Mom at JICC, I anxiously await the great reunion when we get to worship together again.

    Johnny and Cheryl Wallace

  12. We are saddened to hear of Nancy's passing. Please know that Tim and children are in our prayers during this season of loss. If you need anything please let us know.

    The May Family
    Jon, Meredith, Jordan and Joshua

  13. My dear friend Nancy will be deeply missed. I have been enormously blessed by Nancy and Tim, and I will always have her with me in my spirit. I am without the words to express my sorrow of the loss of one of my dearest friends. Nancy has touched my life with her continuous outpouring of unconditional love, compassion, and caring. She will always be my example of a true friend and a woman of God. I love you Nancy. All my love to you Tim and family. You are in my prayers... Diane Arias

  14. Tim and family, we love you and want you to know you are being uplifted in your time of need. Tim, in the short time I've gotten to know you, you have become a special person to me. Know that I am always just a phone call away.
    Brandon, Sherry, and Cheyenne Tahquette

  15. I did not know Nancy but my daughter attends JICS and we just want the family to know our thoughts and prayers are with you ...we know she was special.

  16. Dear Tim, I truly know how this feels. many of our friends, just realy can't identify with the loss of a spouse. Jesus will confort you and your family through this time. There will be some people that you thought would be there for you that won't be, but you also will find there will be people there for you that you didn't expect. Tim, this time will draw you closer to Jesus, you can't put a timetable on grief. It must run it's course. I learned the most while in the valley. I am a changed man today. We know God heals. I also learned there is a Soverign Will of God. I just didn't know! I'll be praying for you and your family. Ron Drolet.

  17. Dear Tim & Family
    Nancy was a true woman of God and was an inspiration to all of us at JICC and certainly blessed me as I watched her in worship. Her love of the Lord radiated every time she sang, gave comfort or witnessed. She was a true woman of God and has inspired many of us to seek after Him as she has done all her life. You are in our prayers and in our hearts. Love Sharon & Viktor

  18. Tim and Family,

    Nancy was a special friend, a true woman of God. Her walk with our Lord was a Testimony in itself. Your family's faithfulness through this time has been an inspiration. We will miss Nancy, miss seeing her praise our God on stage, miss her smile, but we also celebrate her life, what she stood for, and share Peace with all knowing where she is now. We love you all.

    Laurin, Sloan & Family

  19. I have no words. You accepted me into your home and we shared and laughed and broke bread together. Through you, your family and friends I have been blessed in a loving and magical way. I will miss you as will everyone you touched. Angels are forever and you will always live within my heart. May peace from our father surround your family and all who grieve your departure home.


  20. Dear Tim and Family,

    Our hearts are deeply grieved with the loss of your precious wife and mother. The witness of your family standing strong in the Lord through a firey trial brings to mind the refrain to "Blessed be Your Name", how you bless the name of the Lord when you are found in the desert place and there's pain in the offering. We find strength and hope in the steadfastness of your faith in the grace of the Lord and for that we thank you and pray God's outpouring of His presence to fill the deep wound of your heart.

  21. We love you guys and we are praying for you
    -Jessie and Cory Evans

  22. Tim, Matt, Ashley, Adam, Jenny, Ben and Katelyn,
    We love you so much. We are blessed by having shared time here with Nancy. We pray God's strength and comfort for all of you in the days and weeks ahead. Please let us know if you need anything.
    The Honeycutts

  23. As I have reflected over the last week. I see Gods hand everywhere. Tim, Matt, Ashley, Adam, Jenny, Ben and Katelyn....she loved you all so much and most important she loved her Savior! She truly has shown us all how to live, love and give of our lives to Him!
    As Tim would say....I am blessed! Blessed to have been her friend and yours! Scott and I love you so much!
    Bethany Clawson

  24. My fondest memories will always be a memory of Nancy standing and worshiping in awe. She knew that there was no greater name than that of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I thank God for giving us a glimpse of his power as it displayed so vividly in Nancy. May the Lord grant you his perfect peace. God Bless you and your family.

    Priscilla Roper and Family

  25. Nancy is a woman who possesses a beauty all her own and who plays an irreplaceable role in many lives. Her life personifies the strength, love, courage and favor of our loving Savior. I am honored to call her friend and will forever be changed by moments spent with her.
