Take it Home: What older men should teach younger men

I really enjoyed talking about men today. One thing I forgot to mention was how important it is for the community of faith to continually distinguish between what being a real man is and what it is not. That's why this message is so important for everyone. We must celebrate Godly Manhood when we see it.

If you didn't get chance to hear the message, you can download it here. (usually up within 24 hours).

Remember your homework for this week: watch a TV show you normal watch with a pen and pad. Write down what kind of attributes are in one of the lead male characters. Is he a MAN? I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments, and observations below.


  1. Today’s sermon brought to mind a great story of love and commitment to God, Wife, and family. (I know I posted this last Sunday but it seemed more appropriate for this Sunday.)

    My husband Daniel was promoted to regional sales manager in 2000. He was manager of eight salesmen and required to travel all of South and North Carolina. He also received a raise in salary! This was a very good thing right? Well, after a year, Daniel realized he had spent 85-90 nights during the week away from home! During that year we started having lots of discipline issues with our children, Rebecca and O’Connell. Daniel and I had known each other for fifteen years and been married for nine of those years. We disagreed about a lot but never had any real big arguments. Well, during 2000 we had several big arguments. After much prayer and thought Daniel came to me and asked if I thought it would be good for us and the family to leave this managers job and go back to being a salesman. I didn’t know what to say. We spent a lot of time talking and praying. Daniel went to his boss and asked if he could go back to being a salesman and not be Regional Manager!

    The results of this for Daniel were that despite his embarrassment of other colleagues thinking he just couldn’t handle it, he actually had two corporate managers come to him and say that they had great respect for his decision and they told him that they wish they had the courage and the manhood to do what he did. No one ever looks back on his life and says “I wish I worked more.” They wish they had spent more time with their families.

    The results for me were that I felt loved and wanted like never before. Daniel, by doing this told me, Elizabeth you are my world, and that he would do anything to protect me and his family! Daniel’s actions said that he is defined by his love for God, me, and our children!!!!!!!!!!

    Nine years later this is no less one of the most powerful events in my life! God honored and blessed Daniel, his work, our marriage, and our family beyond anything I could even begin to put into words. It so touched me that nine years later it still brings me to tears to tell the story and my heart just swells with more love for my dear sweet wonderful selfless husband!

    I love you Daniel forever and always!

  2. So, I'm at home after working this morning and I sit down to eat my lunch. I flipped on the T.V. to watch while eating my lunch before having to get the kiddos from school. As I flip through trying to find something other than daytime dramas, I flip to TBS and what should be on at this time? Everybody Loves Raymond. So I decide to eat lunch, relax & do my church homework all at the same time! The plot of the show was that Marie was befriending the Italian restaurant owner (can't remember his name)and teaching him to play the piano. Anyway, Frank gets jealous and not because his wife is finding companionship with another man but because he lost HIS poker/lodge buddy. So a fight begins about who he should be friends with...Marie or Frank. Marie even says something to the effect that she doesn't have anyone who understands her and is a companion to her (which of course is sad when they have been married as long as they have been...) Well, the pivitol point of the show is when they comfront him (Italian guy) and ask which one he wants as a friend. He, puzzled, asks why he can't be both of their friends. Marie responds by saying, "because usually when people like me, they can't stand Frank." (background laughter) He then says, "This is not right. This is not husband and wife. You should be friends. Before my wife died, we were friends." A pause...they ponder..then, "so who are you going to choose?" (more background laughter) At one point, we hear Debra fighting and trying to get kids tucked in while Raymond is on the phone making a tee time. This gives her further ammunition why Marie deserves a friend because "she has a louch of a husband who lets her do all the work taking care of the kids." To which Ray replies, "can't you hate just 1 man at a time?" Anyway, watching this show with a critical eye was incredible. I knew that it didn't show the spouses showing the love & respect to each other that they should but when I watched specifically trying to find these areas, I was amazed. How sad that one of the few shows that still have a traditional family shows so much indifference and dislike toward each other.
