Take it Home: what older women should teach younger women

This week we discussed the Biblical imperative of older women teaching younger women. If you didn't get to hear it, click here to download the message.

To download a free copy of "Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood," click here.

Tell us what you think about the sermon by commenting below. How has it challenged you? What questions do you have?


  1. I'm going to start what I hope will be a few different comments (to prove you have made the homepage your homepage) to mention two great things we have for the ladies in response to today's sermon.
    1) an overnight retreat
    2) sewing ministry
    See the details on the right hand side of the page.

  2. Today’s sermon brought to mind a great story of love and commitment to God and family.

    My husband Daniel was promoted to regional sales manager in 2000. He was manager of eight salesmen and required to travel all of South and North Carolina. He also received a raise in salary! This was a very good thing right? Well, after a year, Daniel realized he had spent 85-90 nights during the week away from home! During that year we started having lots of discipline issues with our children, Rebecca and O’Connell. Daniel and I had known each other for fifteen years and been married for nine of those years. We disagreed about a lot but never had any real big arguments. Well, during 2000 we had several big arguments. After much prayer and thought Daniel came to me and asked if I thought it would be good for us and the family to leave this managers job and go back to being a salesman. I didn’t know what to say. We spent a lot of time talking and praying. Daniel went to his boss and asked if he could go back to being a salesman and not be Regional Manager!

    The results of this for Daniel were that despite his embarrassment of other colleagues thinking he just couldn’t handle it, he actually had two corporate managers come to him and say that they had great respect for his decision and they told him that they wish they had the courage and the manhood to do what he did. No one ever looks back on his life and says “I wish I worked more.” They wish they had spent more time with their families.

    The results for me were that I felt loved and wanted like never before. Daniel, by doing this told me, Elizabeth you are my world, and that he would do anything to protect me and his family! Daniel’s actions said that he is defined by his love for God, me, and our children!!!!!!!!!!

    Nine years later this is no less one of the most powerful events in my life! God honored and blessed Daniel, his work, our marriage, and our family beyond anything I could even begin to put into words. It so touched me that nine years later it still brings me to tears to tell the story and my heart just swells with more love for my dear sweet wonderful selfless husband!

    I love you Daniel forever and always!

    Elizabeth Duggan

  3. Todays sermon really hit home! Rhoda and I made the desision 8 years ago that she would stay home with the kids. I will it hasn't always been easy on one construction workers pay. We have made many sacrifacies. However the lord has provided for every need we have had! Not always for the wants but defenitly for the needs. Most importantly I wanted to share what it means to our daughters, Adrianna and Kristen.
    When I asked them what do you like about mommy staying home with you and not having to go to work. This is what they said.
    Adrianna: Its a bunch of fun because we play and talk.
    Kristen: She can play with us and talk with us. Help us when we are sick and we can help her make food. It is a lot of fun and we like it when she is here.
    I would like to end by saying that having my wife stay home with our kids has been a huge blessing in their lives as well as mine and I would give up even more to do it again.
    Al Brown

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Today's sermon was very thought provoking and I really can't thank you (Russ) enough for allowing the Lord to use you and your precious family to bring to light so many things that go unnoticed in our life cycle. In light of growing up around so many instances where women are considered equal and the "same" as men and also being a single mom, it's easy to get the roles mixed up. God led me to Proverbs 31 and ministered to me while reading about this awesome women that tended to her home, was an entrepreneur and most importantly feared the Lord and submitted to her husband. I greatly appreciated the revelations brought forth as a result of this message and I pray to continue to learn and grown from learning more about how we as christians should live and interact with each other. I am a little hesistant when thinking about opening up to elders for fear of being judged but I know through prayer and patience, God will make a way and open hearts, minds and doors that no man or circumstance can close.Be Blessed and Be encouraged

  6. today's message went staight to my heart. i am pregnant with our 3rd child, and i stay home with emma and aaron and do the "mom" thing all day.
    we go to the park and the pool. we make peanut butter and jelly for lunch, and take long naps in the afternoon. we get balloons at the grocery store, and see all the other 20 or 30 something moms with young children while we're there. we cook dinner and eat as a family almost every night. we have bubble baths and chocolate milk before bed.
    How did i get this life? I went to college for 6 years to be teacher of the year, working at the best school in charleston. I was going to wear nice clothes, drive a slick black convertible and have a beautiful condo on the beach!
    Like many of us, I never learned how to be a biblical wife or mother. Thanks to this church and our family, I'm learning now!
    I have HUGE college debt, and I'm nowhere close to making a payment. I'm learning how to budget, and i actually want to pay my debts.
    We eat a lot of spaghetti, but last week i made chicken and dumplins (my favorite) and stuffed bell peppers, and they were YUMMY! I was proud.
    Staying home with the kids i never thought i'd have? I'm grateful!
    Thanks for the message. My self-esteem has been really low lately b/c i don't have "a great" teaching job at a prestigious school. I've been looking at my life through society's lens. My self-esteem has sky-rocketed in the last 24 hours. I'm starting to see this area of my life through God's lens. I'm seeing that i have more than a great teaching job. I have the BEST teaching job. And my life? The life that God has given me is more than I could have ever dreamed of 10 years ago!

  7. I would like to take a moment and really praise my wife. Ashley, by all earthly accounts is one of the most successful people I know. She has 2 undergraduate degrees, 1 Masters Degree, and a Doctorate degree from MUSC. Looking through the lens of the world, let me tell you I married a woman on the fast track to a pretty successful life! However, the Lord, through the truth found in His Word began softening our hearts to His vision for a family. Short version: Ashley walked away from a life of earthly "prestige" and into the Lord's will. Financially, this makes no sense for us, spiritually it was the only decision to make. From a husbands point of view I have to say that when my wife yielded to the Word of God it humbled and encouraged me to continue to disciple and "wash" my wife in the Word. A woman submitted to the Word of God is a woman submitted to the headship of her husband. My Ashley is INCREDIBLE and I love her very much. My children and grandchildren will be blessed because of my wife's submission to the Lord. When you see her give her a hug and tell her how great she is!! ;-)
    Love you babe!!
