Without Walls

I'm in Chickfila right now (on James Island). Apparently half of the island comes here for lunch. I came fully expecting to be interrupted, and I was. I have enjoyed every interaction in the last hour and a half.

I have been thinking about what it means to be a church without walls. More specifically, I've been thinking about what it means to "make disciples." I just talked with a guy who goes to one church on Sunday morning, another on Wednesday night, and still another on Thursday nights. All of them serve different purposes. And I could ask the question, "does this guy not want to have deep relationships?" or "Is he just seeking an experience?" But neither were the case. In fact, he even attended a small men's accountability group on top of his three-church-service-a-week-regiment.

Then I met someone who mentioned going to a "community group." I inquired as to what that was and she told me that she and her husband meet with four other couples each week. They represent three different churches (one of which I found out was good ole JICC ... shout out!!) On top of the sermons they hear each week, they also download a pastor in Seattle's message each week and review it.

Is this wrong?
Is it wrong for people to "become disciples" through different local churches?
What if people from OUR church don't attend one of OUR Bible Studies or OUR small groups?

I'm thinking the answer is "no." But what I'm realizing is that it is easier to be teritorial. After all, if someone is attending another church's Bible Study than that means they are not bringing their insight and gifts to one of "ours." But, our goal is not to build JICC, it's to build THE Church and to build THE Kingdom. And if that person is becoming a disciple through something that another church planned. And if that person is growing in deeper relationship with the Lord and others. Should I be worried about how it might affect our "bottom line?"

I'm curious what you think.


  1. The more we learn, the more we become disciples the better! I am a deacon at JICC and I listened to another pastors message on the internet this week. The more I think about it, if someone said that same comment to me my response would probably be, "well you better havelistened to something, or read something." What I learned, and continually learn, from other people in THE church is crucial to my role in my local body of believers.

  2. I beleive the idea of gaining outside knowledge and ideas from other churches in the body, can for the most part be beneficial, and perhaps give 'fresh' thoughts on a paticular subject. However, how far do you take this approach ?
    The Lord instituted local autonimous (self governing) churches within 'the body of Christ' I my self beleive in loyalty to the church I have joined, also from the point of serving in it ! While I choose to get daily devotionals from Lancaster Baptist Church in California, emailed to me; I am not about to'pack my bags' and move there, nor am I about to go on a local 'witch hunt' against other versions, just because I believe in the inspired authority of the King James Bible.
    I beleive if you choose to join a church, you should give your loyalty and best !

    Robert Sparrow

  3. I've been thinking a lot about this too, lately, with regards to how inspired I am by ecumenical approaches/churches of various denominations coming together in common love for God and desire to improve the community.
    Our children attend VBS at other churches, and we've made relationships at other churches.
    I still believe our primary tithe should be to our own church, but beyond that, I think our family has only been enriched through experiences in other churches.
    My husband and I talk a lot about our own liturgical/Biblical philosophies and how they're not always aligned with any church we've ever attended, but why should they? There are no perfect people, and no perfect churches. I have come to strongly believe, though, since coming to JICC, that where you're led with your heart, if you know that you know that you were led by God to a place, supercedes where you are led with your head.
    I also believe that it's better to have fewer fully discipled people attending than more people who are feeling like they may want to be somewhere else. At least, I think I believe that. :)
    It's confusing!


  4. I think it is kind of exciting that THE CHURCH is busting out of the church in our area.
